Somewhere over the rainbow-me on Cello!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Cello!

So, if you don't know already, I will tell you now.

I play the Cello! :D I'm pretty good too (Well, that is what everyone else says. I still need alot of work though...)! I love my Cello (I'm not trying to be artificial here either). It has a sweet tone, and it's like, one of my best friends! I can always go to her (yes, she is a she) when I'm mad or sad and I'll talk to her and play music and I feel alot better! Her name is Timpani. If you know anything about music, Timpani is actually a type of drum that can change pitch. I wrote a little story about it:

Once upon a time, in a not-so-little town in the United States, there lived a Cello player named Bekah. When she was a 7th grader, she went to early morning symphonic orchestra. Now Bekah was incredibly thick and nieve at the time (and still is ocassionally). Her orchestra teacher, Mr. Bull, said, "Ok, TIMPANI is right here." For a few weeks Bekah thought Timpani was a person who never came to Symphonic, but must have had great importance. Then a little while later, she thought Timpani was the musical term for a drum roll. But her thoughts them turned back to having Timpani as a person. After about 2 months of waiting for Timpani to show up to Symphonic, Rebekah went up to Mr. Bull after symphonic and asked him, "Mr. Bull, WHO IS TIMPANI??" "Bekah," he replied as he tried so hard not to laugh, "Timpani is a drum! Not a person!" She stood for a few seconds, letting it sink it, then exclaimed, "OH! Timpani is a drum!" and immediately burst into laughter. Everyone looked at her dumbfoundedly, wondering why she didn't know. 

A year later, when she bought her first Cello, she named it Timpani because of the happy memorie of symphonic orchestra. 

Now they use her Cello instead of the actuall drum. (jk jk jk jk!!)"

I've come a LOOOONNNNNGGG way since then, but I really like the name Timpani too! I'm going to show you some photos that I have taken of my lovely Cello too! :)

(I've recently added the "RT" at the end, because, you know, they are my photos! You can use my photos, just comment on the post below and please give credit where credit is due.)


Yep, that's me! :D It really is! (And no, it is not photo shopped!)

Well, I hope to be able to give you all some videos of me performing, but for now you will just have to visit my YouTube site! It has me playing by myself, me singing by myself, and the orchestra that I am in!

Well, that is all for now! See you soon!
