Somewhere over the rainbow-me on Cello!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

General Conference

"Compared to God, we are nothing. But to God, we are everything."
~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Let me tell you, I LOVE general conference!
It the most amazing, spiritual 8-10 hours of my life! Now, for those of you who aren't LDS, let me explain. "General conference is a semiannual gathering of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. During general conference weekend, Church members and others who are interested gather worldwide in a series of two-hour sessions to receive inspiration and instruction from Church leaders." (Taken from here) So It's not 8 hours all at once. :) We have 2 sessions a day, and each session lasts 2 hours long. Now you are probably thinking, "What about the last 2 hours?" Well, the Men have an extra 2 hour session just for them each conference, and the Young Women (12-17 yrs) have a 2 hour session in the April conference and the Relief Society (18+ yrs) have their session in the October conference. 

The quote in my photo above is taken from here (I know I use it over and over and OVER, but I just love how it turned out!). I love it when President Uchtdorf speaks. He just has this spirit about him when he talks that is just absolutely amazing. He's my favorite speaker, next to President Monson, Elder Bednar, and Elder Packer. :)

There are so many times when I have felt down low, lower than anything, but then I remember the love of Christ and our Heavenly Father, and I feel so much better! For "..the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10) He loves us, and even though, compared to Him- with our gadgets and airplanes and buildings and great achievements- we are nothing, Heavenly Father gave us His son, to be sacrificed for our sins! His Only Begotten Son! He did that so we may return to Him one day, and be in His presence, wrapped in His arms of love.
I know not all of you on here are LDS, and there are probably people who aren't even Christian or believe in Christ or God, but I just wish you could know of His love for you and for you to feel it! I have felt it, and it is warmer than the best hug you have ever felt, warmer than the sun gently shining on your face, safer than being in your loved one's arms. I just wish you could know. You can know, but you have to be willing to feel it, to pray and to wait to receive the answer. He loves you. He loves everyone, for we are all His children. He mourns with us, He rejoices with us! And He wants you to let Him into your life. But only YOU can let Him! He will not force His way in. YOU have to be willing. He loves you, so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!! 

Well, that's all for now. I just wanted to give you a "spiritual nugget" today. :) If you have any questions or comments please post below!

Don't forget your camera!
Parties I've linked up to:

1 comment:

  1. so glad you joined us this week---your words are encouraging as well :)
